Every human rejoiced when they read the opening panel, right? That is a world-class joke set up.
Let me get this straight: Jon does ask his cat about his lip quality (weird) and does expect an answer (weirder), but does not like to be kissed by Garfield (because it crosses some weirdness boundary? Come on!). I think you're pretty much "asking for it," Arbuckle.
Remind me next time I'm kissing someone, to grab the sides of their face with my tiny claws and pull their cheeks. Also remind me that the noise to make after touching a cat mouth with your lips is "Poo! Poo!" I do not need to be told the noise that smooching makes is "KISS" because I already know.
It's nice that Garfield isn't such a jerk that he refuses to help Jon with his question. Also nice that Garfield concedes that Jon is fairly kissable, which, given Garfield's impossibly high standards for Jon, must mean Jon is a pretty good kisser. Congratulations, Jon. Congratulations.