Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tiddy Tiddy Bang-Bang

Top nominees for funniest thing in 06/15/06's strip:
-Garfield's first reaction to a "nightmare" is not fear but... sneering disgust and "Great. Another nightmare"!
-What's in those suitcases? Not Garfield's memories: the Brain Guy is his memory. So that means it's just the Memory Brain's personal stuff.
-Garfield's nightmares: not scary, but they do tell him jokes.
-Please please please this year actually let Garfield start becoming senile. Actually, since Garfield was born the same year as me, I want his mental degeneration to mirror my own. Please please hold off for another 40 years on Garfield's senility.
-Garfield's brain is huge and gross!


  1. Is 'tiddy boom' is the cat version of what humans might call 'a rimshot'?

    (As with cats themselves,) I'm not yet sure how I feel about this.

  2. Firebird3:35 PM

    And liberals brains left them when they went to public schools
