Sunday, July 09, 2006

SLURK-er at the Threshold

Garfield, what do you think you're doing? Where are you going? It must not have been a very important journey, since you disrupt it to hang out in the middle of an empty field. Lawn. Park.

While I'm willing to believe a company manufactures tiny kiddie pools, sunglasses, and straw hats miniaturized for use by cats... While I'm willing to believe Garfield can haul these things and his famous bent-coathanger-antennae radio out to the field... I have to assume that there's no way for our boy to fill up the wading pool with water; it looks like he's far enough from the house that the garden hose wouldn't reach. Oh well; I'm sure the entertainment and shade is worth the trouble. The thought of a fat sweaty cat sitting in the blazing sun, an empty pool slowly filling with sour-smelling perspiration as it drips off his pasta-sauce matted fur... that's what the Garfield Summer is all about!

Title Panel: Surely I am not the only one who doesn't like it when you can see Garfield's lips. Surely it is worse when flecks of spittle issue forth from those moist feline mouth-flaps.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Cat's don't sweat...

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Garfield is not a cat.
    Garfield is a cat-like Demigod.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Garfield is a CAT, CAT's do nothing for no reason, and have no reason to do nothing.

  4. Don't cats hate water?

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    After drinking that much lemonade, I don't think he needs a hose.

    Besides, even if he had a thumbs, no turny the spigot.

  6. Regarding both the cat sweat and the thumbs...

    At this point, why in the world would you think Garfield's anatomy and body functions have more than passing similarity to those of a real cat?

    He certainly has thumbs, and we've seen him sweat before.

    Cats don't sweat. But Garfield does.
