Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What a Big Fat Hairy Trip It's Been

The last panel's got both a good fat joke and the shocking sight of Garfield happy to concede this battle of sarcasm to his master. But don't miss the hilarity of the second panel. The comedy mounts the longer you stare at it:

1. Garfield is furious to find out he is not the Godhead.
2. Though adequately convinced he is not a heavenly body of import, Garfield believes he should be.
3. Though Garfield believed himself the center of all things, all it takes to shatter the illusion is one guy telling him "no."
4. That guy is Jon Arbuckle. Since when does Garfield listen to any input from this dope?
5. Blinded by rage, Garfield does not realize he's being set-up for insult comedy. Wounded by your own sword much, monsieur?!

Q: Does the universe revolve?

Q: Some days all I can do is stare at Garfield's feet, which are now the size of the rest of his entire body.


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    THANK YOU! I haven't really read Garfield in years, though I loved it as a kid. So the first thing I noticed upon getting reacquainted via your blog is that his feet have gotten HUGE. Then I read your commentary and knew that I wasn't mistaken. What is John Davis thinking??


  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Is this strip proof that Jon can hear Garfield's thoughts? They're conversing!

  3. What is John Davis thinking? Can we check with Bob Watterson?

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Definitely seems like Jon's hearing Garfield's statement here. I mean the cat's bipedal and has opposable thumbs, the power of speech doesn't seem too far-fetched at this point.

  5. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Today's the first time I've seen it, but, your blog is hilarious. Your 6/29 post about Eating the Bird had me almost convulsing. Thanks.

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    General consensus among cosmologists and astrophysicists -- besides "we would like to meet some girls" -- is that the universe is not revolving. This seems a rare instance of "Garfield: Permanent Monday" being scooped by "Garfield: Elliptical Timescape of Mondays" over at MIT.

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I was noticing the feet, too; I will be very pleased when my theory of Jim Davis' insanity (inanity?) is vindicated by panel after panel of nothing but Garfield's feet filling the entire frame.

    In re; the universe revolving around Garfield; it depends on your point of reference. The recent A Briefer History of Time puts this nicely into perspective. Having just read this book, I'm pretty sure it depends on whether Garfield is playing ping-pong on a moving train or just standing on the platform watching a clock move away at nearly the speed of light.

    Boy, it has been a long day at work...

  8. This has quickly become my favorite thing about the internet. Thank you.

  9. Anonymous2:51 AM

    I should point out that I made my own Garfield comic based on this. Then I discovered that it wasn't quite as original as I'd thought.
