Sunday, August 20, 2006

Peanuts, Featuring Fat Ol' Kitty Orange

Title Panel: Why the springtimey reproductive-themed title panel when summer is ending and autumn's hand of death is soon to wrap the nation in it's chilly grip? Has Garfield's body become a flowery cursive rendition of his own name? Or is he lurking in wait hoping for some vicarious thrill as the insects go about their natural pollenation duties? The sly smile on his lips tells no lies.

Cat Covered in Packing Peanuts - 1: Garfield regularly practices the art of pantomimed physical comedy, especially on Sundays where seven panels of a cat sleeping on a table might be too much even for Gar-fans. A lot of cartoonists would have had an establishing panel of Jon calmly drinking coffee. Garfield knows it doesn't have to. Garfield has carefully established for a quarter-century that Jon is always sitting calmly at the table.

Cat Covered in Packing Peanuts - 2: Only because Garfield's anatomy is so grotesque would anyone be frightened. If a real fat kitty walked up behind you with white foam stuck all over his fur, a real person's brain would seize up and explode from seeing the cutest thing in the universe.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I'd imagine the packing peanuts would have fallen off during Garfield's transition from tan table to blue table.

  2. Jon is so horrifically horrified. I'd hate to see his physical reaction to blood, or to a knife-wielding maniac.

  3. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I actually laughed out loud for several minutes. He's just SO HORRIFIED!

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    No one has asked the obvious question: why is there a Garfield-sized box of packing peanuts sitting around the house? What did Jon buy?

    Also, I don't think packing-peanut-Garfield is cute at all. I think he's really creepy. Especially the way he says "howdy doo."

  5. Jon Looks Like A Screaming Toddler In The Last Panel.

  6. Alpha Skua3:14 PM

    Fun with Styrofoam peanuts
