The most unlikely part of this dilemma is that he asks his cat if he ever hums. Everyone gets songs caught in their head. Everyone knows at least one cat food jingle, probably the Meow Mix song, because it is diabolically catchy and hilarious. I don't know if Alpo used to have a jingle of any note, but maybe Garfield also remembers that one from his endorsement deal back in the day. But Jon has been under a daily barrage of un-catlike behavior from Garfield, and constantly treats him as an equal. I love those moments when the unreality of this world becomes such a matter of course that Jon can just assume that Garfield has the ability to hum.
Mechanics of Garfield Thought Bubbles: Garfield is usually able to prompt Jon's disgusted sideways glance through meaningful silences and body language. Today a lack of verbal response and movement would indicate tot he casual reader that today violates the cardinal rule that Jon cannot hear Garfield's thoughts. Among the possibilities is a subtle version of: "Did I... really just ask my cat if he ever hums?"
It is entirely possible that some (tens of) minutes have passed between the second and third panels. Garfield has taken his time composing his response, and Jon had nothing better to do than to idly stare at different parts of the empty room -- most likely humming to himself.
Twenty-eight years of receiving nothing but "meaningful silences and body language" from his cat has, perhaps, embedded in Mr. Arbuckle an almost Pavlovian response to any time he asks Garfield a question (or leaves room for response).
Is it a form masochism? Or a routine validation of Jon's existence?
Anonymous- I like your theory. I'm going to start applying that to all Garfield strips.
Where are you? I'm getting worried.
Yes, this is very upsetting. Whatever takes a front seat to Garfield analysis can't be good...
Missing yo.u
What happened? How can I read Garfield without over-complicating analysis? Noooo!
After some detective work I have determined that Mr. Stangl is quite active on his other blog writing reviews for "Teen Wolf." How this is more important than Garfield I will never know.
Teen Wolf? Dammit, man, Liz is wearing a tube top, and we're getting reviews for Teen Wolf
More analysis please! There are such riches to mine from the new strips with the Liz angle. Don't leave us now!
I don't actually read Garfield. I read Garfield through this site. So now I have no idea what's not happening in the strip.
This is so weird. Does he even KNOW that we have noticed his disappearance? If he is doing other things as people have said, then why can't he at least put up a blurb saying so? This is a great page and I know we have no entitlement to it, but I needs my fix, yo.
Mike needs his new garfield analysis not because of the break down of the strip its self (which is very funny) but for the strange insight into the human condition that is given within.
also your contradicting your mission statement of 'A Week of Garfield. Every Week. Until We Die.' i'm not dead yet, therefore please continue making this blog mr blogger/Chris Stangl
Yes, he has, Jon. <a href="http://images.ucomics.com/comics/ga/1994/ga941204.gif>And it was your fault!</a>
Does this imply that the tune in the 1994-12-04 strip was a cat food jingle, or part of one?
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