Friday, May 12, 2006

Splut Goes the Weasel

That's what you get for giving up on Ellen, Jon. Thank God he's not giving up on that automatic-wrinkling shirt, which is very funny comics shorthand.

Yes Garfield, Wendy is "clever." Her wordplay turnabout on old Jonny, however, required a convoluted setup in which Jon more or less handed Wendy the punchline on a platter. Because really, who besides Jon would compare his adorability to a non-specific animal, but get specific enough to say "small woodland creature"? When the comeback requires such an unnatural come-on, your wit is less Mad Magazine's "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" and more Cracked Magazine "Shut-Ups."


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    How many different colored phones does Jon own? I can only guess that he must have one phone for each failed attempt...and a each phone has its own room...

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    And each room it's own table. I like to think all Jon's phones, shirts, tablecloths and walls just change color. Or maybe they're all just white and the LIGHTING changes -- like in the original Star Trek where they used the same set with different furniture and different colored lights shining on the walls. I notice Jon now has mysterious lumps under his arms. Maybe when he told Ellen he only had a week to live he meant he only had a week to try to "live it up" - maybe he gave himself a deadline to get a date and that's why he's now constantly on the phone trying to get one. But if he does have mystery lumps under his arm, maybe he IS actually sick? Physically that is.

  3. Flu-Bird1:33 PM

    Never date a weasel their too slim and sneaky
